I’ve really enjoyed this blogging experience.  I have wanted to do one for a while now, but never thought I could keep up the discipline… then Jeff Glass asked if I would contribute to this one and I said yes.  Obviously, you can see that I enjoy this and can keep the discipline up.  I stumbled upon a book The Blogging Church and discovered LOTS of helpful hints about how to do this and encouragement to do it as a way to connect with my community.  So that this blog doesn’t become solely mine…!  I started a blog of my own today.  Check it out at www.martinhutchison.blogspot.com . 

 Here’s an interesting blog on the topic of why pastors should be blogging…. http://www.ifjesushadawebsite.net/index.cfm/module/story/story/01102007-Why-Your-Pastor-Needs-To-Blog